February 14, 2015

Quick Valentine's Day Read! Model Behavior by Tamara Morgan

Release Date: January 13th, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Amazon  |  Goodreads

I received a copy of Model Behavior from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Seven tasks. Twenty-four hours. And one chance.

The moment her best friend, Ben Meyers, drops his phone into her drink, model Livvie Winston knows The List has begun. Seven tasks, each more difficult than the last. If Ben completes them in twenty-four hours, Livvie must abandon her strict friends-only rule for one night of reckless, wicked sex with the most delicious man she knows...

The first tasks are easy. Order the cheapest thing on the menu. No cell phone for twenty-four hours. No ogling Livvie's model friends. Check, check, check.

But when Ben heads to the tattoo parlor, Livvie realizes that Ben isn't just playing for one night—he's playing for keeps. Livvie won't sacrifice this friendship for anything—even for a night of enjoying this incredibly sexy man in every naughty position imaginable. And she'll do whatever it takes to protect their friendship and her heart, even if it means beating Ben at his own game. Even if it means playing 
really dirty...

*I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*

First Thoughts

I read Model Behavior this morning, on Valentine's Day, and let me tell you, what a way to start this romantic day! At 85 pages, Model Behavior is such a quick, but absorbing read! I loved every second!

What I Enjoyed

Olivia Winston. Good lord, I envied and pitied her at the same time. What a dilemma! The one man your heart beats for is, unfortunately, your best friend! Truth be told, he's a bit of a man-whore, too! Does she give in to his romantic advances and potentially ruin their amazing friendship, or keep her distance and die inside a little each time they're together?

Benjamin Meyers. This man screams sex! His body is bangin', his face is God-like, and his intentions are genuine. Livvie's list of seven ridiculous tasks he had to complete would be understandable cause to scare any man away from fighting for her affections, and I can't believe Ben achieved them all. He got a butterfly tramp stamp!! Like, what??

The sex scenes. Yes... I'm a sucker for them. These were soo steamy and full of sexual tension-- love it! Like I said, what a wonderful way to start Valentine's Day!


This place had some of the best--and strongest--cocktails in Manhattan. One drink, and you were likely to forget your date's name. Two, and you forgot your own. Three, and there was a good chance you'd wake up in Vegas with a brand-new one.

Recommended For

Romance lovers, novella fans, anyone wanting to read some extremely steamy sex scenes, or anyone that wants to see a good guy win the love of his life's heart.

Happy Reading!

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